Conor Keogh

Technical Artist

Plunge (2023)

Software: Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, ZBrush, Maya, Unreal Engine, Cinema 4D, Blender

This environment study explores the use of interaction, procedural blueprints, and other assets created in Unreal Engine 5.

Foliage base color & mask

Water reacting to local distance field, remove second video and add waterfall video clip

Water reacting to local distance field, remove second video and add waterfall video clip

Tree It & ZBrush used to create trees, leaves and bush. ZBrush in particular was used to create the fluffy bush look.

Wind, wind color motion + Landscape painting, landscape color is grass color etc.

interactive grass, explain in depth with mesh etc

basic procedural fence, material has height moss etc

Textures made in photoshop, flowers etc + mesh